Hello little bugs, insects, and other creepy crawlies! Welcome to Insect Overlord Podfics. I noticed there are a lot of wonderful fanfictions without Podfics, so I’m attempting to correct that and make them accessible to everyone!
I plan to make podfics for My Hero Acadamia, Miraculous, Danny Phantom, and Batman, so if you have any fanfictions you would like podficed, let me know and I’ll ask the authors!
I do not own or claim any of the fanfictions I Podfic, unless otherwise specified. The authors will always be asked permission before I Podfic, unless their fic has “Podfic welcome” tagged, and the authors will always be credited in the video and a link to the fanfiction on Ao3 will be provided in the description. If you are the author of a fic I’ve podficed and you would like it edited or taken down for any reason, please let me know. I’ll always do my best to listen to the authors’ wishes <3