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Ispahani Agro Limited

Ispahani Agro Limited

Ispahani Agro Limited - Official YouTube Channel. It's an Agriculture based channel of Ispahani Agro Limited. Ispahani Agro Limited (IAL), a sister concern of M. M. Ispahani Ltd. is operating its agro business currently with four wings

• Ispahani Seeds
• Ispahani Biotech
• Ispahani Agro Processing
• Ispahani Crop Health

IAL started its venture with seed business since 2007. Later on, Ispahani biotech and Ispahani Agro processing was established in 2009 and 2010 respectively. On the whole, IAL is an integrated approach of supplying agro input & dedicated to ensure Safe Food Secured Bangladesh.

☎ Contact : +8801313 443300
✉ E-mail :
🏠 Address: Ispahani Building, 7th Floor,
14-15 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000