Khabarmagazine खबरम्यागजिन is the most watched YouTube news channel in the hills of Kalimpong, Darjeeling districts and northest, nepal. It was launched on 2017. Khabar Magazine TV covers latest news on Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Literature, Health, Education and Latest Trends with accountability. The channel also focuses on highlighting the social issues without being biased. Khabar Magazine delivers reliable information across all platforms TV, Internet and Mobile. You can watch Khabar Magazine Programmes Facebook page also. 2017 देखि कालेबङबाट ‘खबरम्यागजिन’-नामक पोर्टल, फेसबुकपेज र च्यानल सञ्चालन गरिरहेका छौँ। ‘खबरम्यागजिन’-का कार्यक्रमहरू यूट्यूबमा प्रसारित हुन्छ। विशेष गरी यस च्यानलले खोजी समाचारलाई प्रमुखता दिन्छ। समाचार, अन्तर्वार्ता, स-साना डकुमेन्ट्री, साहित्य, मनोरञ्जन साथै जनताका सरोकारका हरेक कुराहरू ‘‘खबरम्यागजिन’’-ले प्रसारण गर्दै आइरहेको छ।