Hi! My name is Mo and I've lived with moderate-severe chronic pain for the past 10 years. I share my experiences with pain and disability through my blog Young Chronic Pain, and now through this YouTube channel. I try to use humor to highlight how awful and somewhat funny it can be to live with a body that is always against you.
From a very early age I have dealt with chronic pain. I had my first surgery on my spine at 13 years old and had many more after that. Eventually, I had my Nevro HF10 Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted at the age of 21 years old to help manage my back and leg pain. That was two years ago, and since then I have enjoyed traveling and figuring out how to do the most possible with the least amount of pain.
Videos topics you will find on this channel include: chronic pain, disability, chronic illness, spinal cord stimulators (and neurostimulation in general), international travel with my wheelchair, and more. Subscribe and come along for the ride!