Fun & Interesting

Flavia Arrais

Flavia Arrais

Hey! I'm Flavia Arrais.

I'm married to Fred Arrais and a mom to Ana Victoria and Samuel. Besides that, I'm a pastor, writer, mentor to women, and a worship leader. My passion for medicine led me to specialize in Pediatrics and Family Health, with expertise in Medical Auditing and Pediatric Intensive Care. I've had the privilege of teaching Medicine at three universities and served in the Armed Forces as a medical lieutenant. Currently, I continue as a volunteer chaplain.

Together with my husband, we've been traveling across Brazil and the world, preaching God's word, leading worship, and recording songs that touch thousands of lives.

I'm the senior pastor and founder of the Angelim Teresina Church and the visionary behind the Pink Power Movement, a movement created to empower women to fulfill their purpose and positively influence society.

If you'd like to know more about me and my work, check out my website: