Fun & Interesting

Craig Smith

Craig Smith

Craig writes words and music in Newcastle, Australia under the name Wrenasmir. His musical interests are in electroacoustic experimental composition, fusing elements of 90s braindance and 00s post-rock; his writing interests are fuelled by a cross-section of philosophy, avant-garde literature and psychogeography.

Craig is also a school teacher and consultant for special education, accessibility and technology. He has in recent years delivered seminars in Dubai, United Nations workshops in Shanghai, masterclasses in South Africa and Singapore and speaking tours of New Zealand. Recently he has released a series of AI tools for inclusion.

Craig lives with his wife and two children. He used to be a regular contestant on the radio program ‘Treasure Hunter’ hosted by ABC Newcastle 1233. You might see him riding around town on his wooden cargo bike, or walking down a dry stormwater drain with his Finnish-Lapphund.