Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, nestled within a serene forest north of Toronto, is a registered charity in Canada dedicated to Mahayana Buddhist principles and awakening the inner wisdom through mindfulness. Our focus lies in the practice of great compassion, leading to the awakening of one's True Nature. 大悲菩提寺是位於加拿大多倫多北部一處幽靜森林中的佛寺,十多年來大悲菩提寺深耕於西方社會之成人佛法教育及青少年禪修教育。堅持用英文『弘揚佛法在西方世界的心願』。本寺祈願佛教法音宣流之志業永續弘法,我們在此呼籲善信大德發心護持捐款本寺法音宣流與弘法志業。 護持捐款請至本寺官方網站 敬邀您護持本寺弘揚佛法成為我們的會員。祝福諸位法友…
Founded by Venerable Abbess Master Miao Jing, a respected Bhikkhuni.
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*All video content is copyrighted by Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple.*