Fun & Interesting

Benny goes overland

Benny goes overland

We are Christian & Sybil, a Swiss/German couple homebased in Switzerland. We ended our working lives at 55 and built our expedition vehicle Benny (the Benz) in 2017/18, based on a Mercedes Vario 4x4. After some test drives in France, Italy and Spain we explored the typical (but beautiful) overlander destinations in Europe:
2019: Iceland
2020: Scandinavia
2021: Balkan & Greece
2022: Tunisia
In 2022 we started our first longterm trip to the Caucasus, Iran and Arabic Peninsula. After 1 year on the road we returned to Switzerland in June 2023. What an adventure. Our plans: In 2024 we will discover the Central Asia region along the Silk Road, of course including the Pamir Highway. 2025 will be the year to ship our Benz to the Americas to drive the PanAmerican Highway.

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