Want to learn more about diesels, hot rodding, and fixing stuff yourself? I'll show you how easy it is to go fast with the right knowledge or give you ways to save some money and do more for less!
Builds, Products, and videos in the works:
•Tube chassis 1969 Dodge Dart with a L5P in homage to my family racing roots
•High compression 6.7L 12 valve Cummins
•frame off restored frankenstein 2002 Dodge Ram
•1991 R32 GTR
•1991 E30 BMW with a ford small block 302 swap
•Column lock anti theft device for 94-02 dodge and other trucks
•bolt in aluminum MVB shifter stand
•P pump electronic tuner
•Winter Preparation video for your vehicle
•diesel fuel economy mods and tracking
And much more! Subscribe to stay tuned in!