Fun & Interesting

Carver Kings

Carver Kings

Chainsaw Carvings and projects by The Carver Kings. Chainsaw Carving is a sculpting art in which sculptors, referred to as chainsaw artists, carve wood with chainsaws, dremels and many other tools. The term carving refers to the act of cutting wood, to create art. There are many types of chainsaws and tools and many suitable woods to carve including: oak, elm, cedar, pine, maple, walnut, tamarack. Almost all hard woods and soft woods are good to carve as long as they are solid.

The Carver Kings Travel all across North America doing shows and events and are based out of Ontario, Canada. They appeared on two TV shows, HGTV "Carver Kings" and OLN's "Saw Dogs". You can find their most current wood sculpting projects here and the playground carving work they do for the USA.