Hi everyone-
Our names are Stephany, Mariana, Laura, Manuela and Michelle. We decided to start a YouTube channel during the COVID-19 pandemic to ease our anxieties & help others get through theirs. Sit back, relax & enjoy this journey with us!
Please make sure to check back each week for a new video. Like, comment, share, and subscribe to our channel!
#Colombianas #Latinas
Follow us on all our social media platforms:
Instagram | @TheCousinsCode
Twitter | @TheCousinsCode
Facebook | The Cousins Code
Reddit | The Cousins Code
Tumblr | The Cousins Code
Feel free to email us | thecousinscode@gmail.com
Michelle's IG: @_michellecairo
Mariana's IG: @marianaag___
Manuela's IG: @manuela_gaviriaxo
Laura's IG: @laura_gaviriaroldan
Stay safe!!