Fun & Interesting

Carmen Hajjar

Carmen Hajjar

Carmen is regarded as one of the top experts in
etiquette and protocol with a huge following and a highly
interactive approach to training and education. Her passion
for this field, professional experience as an educator, extensive
training and certifications from the most reputed international
organizations gives Carmen an edge over her peers.
Over time Carmen developed a passion for etiquette
and protocol and traveled around the world to become an
internationally certified consultant, coach and trainer.
Carmen currently delivers various workshops for
corporates, one to one training sessions for individuals, as
well as group interactive sessions for adults and youth, in
Lebanon and the gulf.
Carmen has been interviewed by and has appeared as a
regular guest on local and International news
stations, newspapers and radios most notably OTV, LBC,
Radio Middle East (Montreal, CA), Annahar,
Aljamhouria, NBN, Voix du Liban, and many others.