霧禰 MUNE - Gaming for Life [MUNEtheGFL]
Welcome! Nice to meet you, I’m MUNEtheGFL (*'▽')
MUNE (霧禰) + Gaming for Life = MUNEtheGFL
If you search for "munethegfl," you'll find me ♪
Originally, I started this channel with the intention of streaming games that would help improve my life, but it has turned into a channel mainly for commentary videos (;^ω^)
I love pro wrestling, but I also enjoy action games with fantasy elements, city-building games, and RPGs.
◆ Live stream ⇒ Twitch: www.twitch.tv/munethegfl
◆ Live stream archives & video uploads ⇒ YouTube: youtube.com/@MunetheGFL
Thank you and I look forward to your support ꒰ *ᴗˬᴗ ꒱⁾⁾⁾