Hello and welcome to Choberton Junction. After a tea brake that lasted 40+ years, I have finally returned to this most wonderful of hobbies. I will be starting from the very beginning due to the famous fire of '93' were I lost everything I owned apart from one leather winkle picker boot. Strangely it proved to be of little use on its own.
Building very much in the style of that amazing modeller Allan Downes but with only a hundredth of his talent, the journey starts here. Although still very much at the planning stage I have carried around in my head a layout for all those years.
Details: (as they are in my head presently)
00 gauge
Peco code 75 bullhead rails
Set in the 1950's and 1960's in Yorkshire with a dual heritage layout
Ok, I admit it is not much for 40+ years in the planning but you have to start somewhere!