Ishtar Alabina FChannel
Welcome to all!
This channel came to existence because of my deep love for the music of the group Alabina and Ishtar. Some years ago the technologies were not that advanced and I suffered from the fact that I couldn't find anything related to Ishtar or Alabina.
All this gave me the desire to create the channel and upload all related to Ishtar Alabina at one place, where everyone could get to know her music.
This channel was created with the sole intent to popularize and spread the music of my favorite singer. And I want to clearly state that I do not want or intend to break copyrights.
Most of the videoclips in this channel have copyrights that belong to third parties. I hope this will not cause any problems with the owners of these copyrights as my only wish here is just to share the love and joy that Ishtar Alabina's music brings.
One of the many fans of Ishtar Alabina!
Enjoy the music of Ishtar Alabina!