Fun & Interesting

Daddykirbs Farm

Daddykirbs Farm

You love stories of Gardening, Beekeeping, Food Preservation and other Homesteading topics. So do I! Before Daddykirbs Farm, my family lived in a suburban neighborhood. I started to learn more about our broken food system, so I started to experiment with gardening in my small backyard. Part of that experiment was a small aquaponics system (combining fish and veggies in a closed loop system). I got the idea to record that to share with others on this "new" (2010) platform called YouTube. I was surprised to find that people watched it. Not long after that I moved my family to a small farm just outside the city and decided to continue the journey of sharing my story online. God put on my heart and mind this phrase: Everyone has a story and every story counts. This phrase felt like God giving me permission to believe in myself... that “I” was valuable. Now, I love sharing that with people in my YouTube videos.