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Welcome all to our channel "Indic Divine".
This channel Indic Divine is based on stories from Indian Epics, Hindu religion, ancestral Indian culture, Sanatan historical stories, the backdrop culture of India, the traditional Indian experiences with detailed observation and in-depth analysis from the core of India's mythological sagas, Hindu tales and unheard stories from the labyrinth of Indian Knowlege system and background interpretation of the scripted tales from India's aboriginal past. Vedic Astrology, Vastu Shastra, Sanatan Tantra Shastra, Veda, Purana, Upanishad referred directions. Above most explaining the Sanatan way of life entwined with the cultural wisdom of India.
Please subscribe the channel "Indic Divine" for viewers to know about India's Sanatan culture, historical interpretations of Indian beliefs and her past glorious achievements.
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