Fun & Interesting

Annie's Kitchen Garden

Annie's Kitchen Garden

Bringing the allotment home means I have easy access and more time for my passion.

I have always enjoyed pottering around the garden but pruning shrubs and producing the perfect lawn always seemed a bit of a faff to me; whereas the organised chaos of cottage planting, with a few spuds, carrots and runner beans thrown in, was my kind of paradise.

For many years though, I hankered after an allotment, but never quite convinced myself I would be able to manage one as a single parent, whilst also keeping down a day job and studying with the 'OU', so the idea just remained a thing of envy and not really a serious ambition. Then in 2013 as luck would have it, some lovely friends of mine Tim and Liz, who did have an allotment, gave me the opportunity to take on half of their plot!

However, during the winter 2014/2015 I made the decision to bring the allotment home!

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