Fun & Interesting

Elmo Karjalainen

Elmo Karjalainen

The YouTube channel of Finnish guitarist, and generally bearded person, Elmo Karjalainen. This is your place for guitar gear reviews (amps, pedals, guitar and such), guitar lessons, guitar instrumental music, and general tomfoolery. 'Tis almost totally unlike David Hasselhof.
New videos published Mondays and occasionally on Thursdays.

Gear that I use: Fender Yngwie Malmsteen Stratocasters with both Seymour Duncan YJM Furys, and DiMarzio HS-3's. I also use a couple of Ibanez Universe 7-strings. In terms of amps I'm partial to Marshall Plexis, although I do use a good old Roland Micro Cube for when I practice my guitar at home. The pedals I have are the Fender Yngwie Malmsteen Overdrive, Strymon Sunset, Strymon Timeline, Morley Bad Horsie Wah, a volume pedal, and that's about it.