Sama ideja o oživljavanju mog kanala je prvenstveno ostaviti trag na buduće generacije koje su zainteresovane za ovu vrstu pripreme hrane u domaćoj varijanti, a ujedno i sačuvati od zaborava predivne domaće recepte.
Welcome to Aurora Recipe,
The very idea of reviving my channel is primarily to leave a mark on future generations who are interested in this type of food preparation in a home-made version, and at the same time to preserve beautiful home-made recipes from oblivion. Which I think is far better and healthier than preparing fast food.
You can see and find very interesting recipes on my channel. My channel is based on the preparation of light meals, as well as top recipes. All recipes are easy for preparations. Following my channel you help me to grow up.
These are my socials, if you'd like to fill in for more recipes!