Welcome, friends, to Pirate Mike's Treasure Channel!
Here you will find treasure hunting, metal detecting, beach combing, dirt fishing, using the best outdoor gear and adventure products.
Together we will discover many treasures including gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, driftwood, sea glass and old coins.
I will share my experience using Minelab Excalibur, Equinox 600, 800, 900, White's Dual Field PI, and Garrett Sea Hunter metal detectors.
I also enjoy nature's treasures like waves, surfing, water sports, dolphins, sharks, stingrays, sea lions, seals, jellyfish, sand dollars, pelicans, seagulls, sand pipers and other shorebirds.
I grew up in Belmont Shores, Long Beach. I spent my entire life exploring and surfing the coast from Sand Francisco to Mexico. Occasionally, I travel to Hawaii and other exotic destinations.
I now live by the beach in Orange County, California-some people call me Beach Bum.