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Daoud Research Group

Daoud Research Group

Daoud Research Group is a group founded for the betterment of researches in the medical field. It is intended to give more chances for health care professionals in research field especially the junior ones. The Group is named after Professor Daoud Mustafa Khalid (May Allah grant mercy upon his soul).
The President of Daoud Research Group is Professor Abbashar Hussein Mohamed, Who is a professor of neurology at the faculty of medicine, University of Khartoum, he has a huge experience in the research field.
All members of Daoud Research Group are voluntarily working in the group, and almost all of them are medical students & recently graduated doctors.
Research Group Proposal Review Meeting is a main group activity that is held almost every Friday. These meetings are intended to review and to discuss the proposals of the group upcoming researches, and also the completed ones for further discussion.