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SuJaVaNa - Carnatic Music

SuJaVaNa - Carnatic Music

"SuJaVaNa - Carnatic Music " is a sincere little effort to give an opportunity for enthusiasts of all ages to learn the basics of Carnatic Music anywhere, anytime comfortably without any hesitation. This journey of "SuJaVaNa - Carnatic Music" will be guided by Dr. Jayanthi Suresh , who is a disciple of (Late)Shri. Chakrapani Dikshitar of Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu. She is also the Co-Founder of SIV-G, a not-for-profit initiative. For details :

Sudharsana Suresh provides technical support and maintains "SuJaVaNa".

Though SuJaVaNa started with 'Carnatic music learners series', it has expanded its ambit to other treasures of our tradition and, thus came the series on Prabhandam and Ashtakams. Utmost care has been taken to present with right scripts, pronunciations etc. Any aberration, if noticed, is purely inadvertent. Thanks for being a part of this musical journey and have a great learning.

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