Fun & Interesting

Surya Pradana

Surya Pradana

Biography of Surya Pradana Adipatiarga
Name: Surya Pradana Adipatiarga
Birth: Gresik, 26 June 1998
Parents: Dr H Supriasto S.H, M.H & Hj Mujiati S.H
Sibling :
1. Surya Praja Dwi Bawana
2. Surya Praja Senapati Tri Anggara
Citizenship: WNI

Organizational experience
Chief Scout of SMPN 1 Gresik
Deputy Chairman of the Special Forces of SMPN 1 Gresik
Members of the Osis Head of Information Technology
Members of the Youth Mosque, Social Division of SMAN 1 Gresik
Scout Members of SMAN 1 Gresik
Members of the Special Forces of SMA N 1 Gresik
Deputy Head of Band SMA N 1 Gresik

2008 Jujitsu Silver Medal Se Gresik Regency
2nd Winner Reading Poetry Kindergarten Gresik Regency
2nd Winner of Gresik Regency Junior High School Band
National Kindergarten Youth Scientific Research Competition Silver Medal
2nd Winner of National Kindergarten Youth Scientific Writing
Top 15 Best East Java Kindergarten Bands
Champion of National Kindergarten Student Scientific Research Competition