Dr. Sho is a Japanese behaviorist, a behavior analyst (BCBA-D), and a filmmaker. He discusses topics on philosophy, psychology, anime, and movies from a behaviorist point of view. He grew up in Tokyo and moved to the U.S. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology.
More from Dr. Sho:
"An Unexpected New American: a Samurai in HIFF" HIFILM BLOG hiff.org/an-unexpected-new-american-a-samurai-in-h…
"A Literary Behavior Analysis of Ghost in the Shell: From Science to Art of Behaviorism." Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento. www.revistaperspectivas.org/perspectivas/article/v…
“The Shrine Divorce” Phoebe Journal, Volume 47 Issue 1: issuu.com/phoebejournal/docs/phoebe-47-1
“A Japanese Heart.” The Rumpus.net. therumpus.net/2016/04/a-japanese-heart/