Fun & Interesting

Coatesman's Spearfishing

Coatesman's Spearfishing

Chris Coates A.K.A Coatesman is a Spearfishing specialist. From building elite custom spearguns to exclusive spearfishing tips hunting trophy fish like Dogtooth Tuna, Yellowfin & Bluefin Tuna, Marlin and more.. His underwater photography and early pioneering spearfishing videos has enabled him to travel the world to some of the best spearfishing locations. His technical knowledge of spearguns and diving equipment have lead him to consulting with major speargun manufacturers like Rob Allen, as well as writing course material for The International Spearfishing Academy. His rollergun articles in the Ultimate Spearfishing magazine changed the way the industry sets up rollerguns, leading to his rollergun video series on this channel.