On this channel can you see my official guitar lessons, guitar solo transcriptions, guitar arrangements and other videos.
On my official guitar lessons site (thomasberglundguitarlessons.com) you´ll find more info. about my lessons and videos.
If you will get access to all of my lessons, extra content, pdf files and more you can sign up for full membership. (Link below)
On Patreon I have my official lessons/videos and you´ll get the pdf files and everything that belongs to the particular lesson there. (link below)
If you just want a particular pdf file, lesson or course/bundle there are available in my web store as well. (Link below)
You also see live concerts and other stuff with the bands/artists I play with here and there´s also a link below to my SoundCloud account, if you want to listen to my music.
If you like my channel please subscribe to tune up with me!
/all the best
Thomas Berglund