Fun & Interesting

Sandi's Shed House

Sandi's Shed House

With years of experience in mixed media arts, I have determined, my joy is found in sharing the skills I have developed through the years, with others.
Functional art, with a 3D effect, encapsulates the vibe, I want to convey on my channel.
This channel seeks to incorporate a mixed media approach to resin tumblers, as well as, various sub straights of texture and materials.
My intent is to provide tutorials, broken into a video series, when practical. Viewers can expect a higher level of difficulty, beyond the typical YouTube channel content, of resin tumblers and the like.
This channel's focus is to stretch the imagination, enhance, and build upon, already established ground level skills in resin and sculpting, in a fun, safe and cooperative environment.
#3Dresinart #Resintumblers #Functionalart #Tipsandtricks #3Dtumblers #Levelup #Resincreations #Sculpt