My mission as a priestess is transmutation and human ascension through the high frequencies of Mother Gaia and Master Saint Germain.
I work mainly performing past life regression to access the Akashic records that will help you awaken cosmic memories, in this process I will help you align your fields of connection with the divine - chakras, unlocking your personal power to co-create a abundant life that is in connection with your life purpose.
I channel the consciousness of Priestess Aélia to carry out all the mapping of karmic memories for healing the spirit, the physical body that help to transcend the difficulties in matter.
I develop lectures that address themes of spirituality, Quantum Physics, Twin Flames, Hermetic Laws, Wicca and the Sacred Feminine.
Gypsy deck reading, Reiki and auric reading.
Meet my unpublished book Remember.
Available from Perensin Publishing