Fun & Interesting

The Bong Parenting

The Bong Parenting

We discuss about Women and Child Care, Development. Discussions regarding Parenting & Parent's care is our theme. Starting from the very beginning, we have to discuss about pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, as to bring a healthy baby, these discussions are very important. Following the series, we have started discussing about Complete overall Child Development.

(We are not doctors, but we are parents and want to grow and develop healthy parenting circle. The information so discussed here are collected from various public sources, research papers and journals. The methods and procedures are to be applied with in the described limit, and under proper guidance. Actual result may vary person to person. There is no perfect methodology for any single act, so please be cautious. We always pray for everyone's good health and prosperity)

' The Bong Parenting Vibes ' is our Vlogging Channel.