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British kittens from

British kittens from

British cat cattery is located in Moscow. Since 2005 we are engaged in breeding of British kittens. Earlier they were British kittens of silver color (marbled and spotted), and now - of classic colours (blue, lilac, cream and tortoises).
Our cattery is home-type, which means that our cats live with us as family members. We love them, caress them, play with them, give them good and healthy food, take care of their health (we vaccinate them regularly and pass necessary tests). That is why our kittens are so beautiful, affectionate and healthy.
Our cats are of excellent breed quality, as evidenced by titles and expert evaluations of the judges at international cat shows.
Kittens from our cattery have an excellent pedigree, a veterinary passport with marks on vaccinations on age, are completely socialized, worthy to participate in exhibitions and / or to become affectionate pets.