We blew my gas budget on a 23mi ride into Lake Erie's Central Basin to find some deep late summer walleye. The big Lake Erie Walleye live in much deeper, cooler water this time of year and we found them in around 45 feet of water using dipsy divers. This video has some great tips on fishing on Lake Erie for walleye using Dipsy divers, including settings and setup.
Check out my other dipsy diver and jet diver videos!
Modifying Dipsy Divers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF_-bsKk1OQ
Rigging Jet Divers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxjxBpAqhOI&t=168s
Summer Walleye Fishing with Dipsy Divers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3j3LFrftUI&t=53s
Everything to Know about Dipsy Divers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF-NHUU_Gmk&t=27s
Capt. Ross Robertson has made his complete living chasing walleye as a full time professional angler for more than 20 years. Through the years he has worn many hats including time as a fishing guide, boat salesman, TV host, outdoor writer, product designer, tournament fisherman, speaker, radio host and podcaster to name a few.
Ross fishes ice-out to ice-up on the Great Lakes. He spends the majority of the year walleye fishing on Lake Erie’s Western and Central basins.
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