[Japanese YouTuber Therapist Shu's outdoor free street massage that heals people]
[Restaurant manager's body stiffness]
[Body stiffness] Muscle stiffness
min ★★★☆☆ Max🙂
[Pushing strength] Pushing strength
min ★★★☆☆ Max🙂
[Fatigue of the other party] Fatigue
min ★★★★★ Max😂
Well, it's been a while since we did this project❗️
The title of the project is to go to a shop, give a massage, and get to eat instead‼ ️
This time, our target is a Japanese restaurant 😎
It's close by so we decided to give it a try 👍
Click here for details on the restaurant we went to, [Ouchigohan Goro]
Therapist Shu's massage parlor Linote's website
Shu's Instagram
#asmr #massage #tapotement #shoulderbladerelease #shouldermassage #Japanesemassage #therapistshu