Hello and welcome back to the channel! If you haven't been here before we are Alex and Jess of Aesme Studio - a seasonal flower business based in London.
Rain rain go away! To lift the spirits at the end of a very drizzly week, we discuss the making of an early spring flower arrangement in a painterly palette of blue-green and pale pink with pops of cheerful coral red.
To escape the dreary February weather we really enjoyed watching a preview of the 'Exhibition on Screen' film PAINTING THE MODERN GARDEN: MONET TO MATISSE. We saw this exhibition in person when it was at the Royal Academy a few years ago so when we were asked to make a flower arrangement inspired by the film, we knew we could happily wax lyrical about it. It's a fascinating documentary, the perfect curative viewing to lift the spirits in these lingering last days of winter. Flowers! Gardens! Colour!
Directed by David Bickerstaff, PAINTING THE MODERN GARDEN: MONET TO MATISSE takes the audience on a magical journey from the gallery to the gardens of the world's best loved artists. It explores the beautiful spaces that we’ve come to know through the masterpieces they inspired. Claude Monet was an avid horticulturist and arguably the most important painter of gardens in the history of art, but he was not alone. Great artists like Van Gogh, Bonnard, Sorolla, Sargent, Pissarro and Matisse all saw the garden as a powerful subject for their art. PAINTING THE MODERN GARDEN: MONET TO MATISSE discovers how these artists built and cultivated their gardens to explore contemporary utopian ideas and motifs of colour and form. Guided by passionate curators, artists and garden enthusiasts, the film explores the gardens of Giverny and Seebüll, it reveals the rise of the modern garden in popular culture and the public’s enduring fascination with gardens today.
For more details of the film visit https://seventh-art.com/product-category/exhibition-on-screen-2/
In cinemas from 27 February. You can find a screening here: https://events.seventh-art.com/find-a-screening/
Enjoyed this video, learned something new or would like to help us keep creating? You can buy us a coffee here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/aesmestudio Thank you for your support!
Plants and flowers in this video:
00:20 - Ornamental quince
00:30 - Cardoon
00:50 - Fritillaria raddeana
02:00 - Hellebore
03:51 - Rosemart
03:55 - Red dead nettle
04:01 - Iris reticulata
04:14 - Narcissus
09:04 - Honeysuckle
10:55 - Scilla
Music in this video
Title: Circular by Philip Daniel
Album: Memory Gate
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