#Hooponopono # ho'oponopono #uttarabodhimudra #visualization # subconsciousmind
The Uttara Bodhi mudra is a powerful hand gesture used in the Hooponopono technique to connect with the universe. When you chant or practice the Hooponopono technique, the universe will recognize your desires and arrange situations to help you achieve them. When you practice the Uttara Bodhi mudra (also known as Yoni mudra or sushumna mudra), universal energy flows throughout your body, enabling you to connect with the universe quickly. These hand gestures remove fear and anxiety, enhance self-confidence, and improve focus and concentration. Additionally, the Uttara Bodhi mudra eliminates negative thoughts from your mind and aids in reprogramming your subconscious with positive thoughts. As your mind calms down, you can visualize anything with absolute clarity, and the universe will understand your desires and assist you. The Hakini mudra is also one of the best mudras for removing fear and enhancing self-confidence. You can use these mudras while practicing the Hooponopono technique.
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Through this channel, we will delve into various topics, including #motivation, the law of attraction, laziness, and the law of karma. Additionally, we will discuss meditation, mindfulness, and concentration. Epics like Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, and Ramayana will provide insights into the challenges of human life and strategies to overcome these situations. Content related to the universe will elucidate how the universe influences you and aids in your spiritual growth. The universe holds immense power, and by establishing a connection with it, you can attain anything you desire.