00:00 精彩預告🎬
00:17 歡迎大咖!👑U.S. News Global Education前品牌總監
00:33 大公開:私立學校的獨特優勢📚✨
02:13 詳解Co-op program
03:43 「STEM風暴」來襲!商科/教育科系大升級(高就業率💼)
04:40 至關重要的『科研』經驗🔬
05:58 秘!不可錯過的XX王牌商學院🏆!
06:26 趨勢:商科結合科技,未來路更寬敞🚀
07:00 ⚠️重要!美國找工作,雇主真的會看學校排名嗎?🤔
09:22 ⚠️重要!如何快速建立軟實力?
10:55 ⚠️重要!美國高薪職缺包含哪些?
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#馬爾斯教育顧問 #馬爾斯留學 #馬爾斯代辦 #私立學校優勢 #職涯發展 #面試成功 #選校攻略
🎥 Special thanks to @INTOTV for providing the source material.
🎥 Special thanks to @drewuniversity for providing the source material.
🎥 Special thanks to @hofstrauniversity for providing the source material.
🎥 Special thanks to @suffolkuniversity for providing the source material.
🎥 Special thanks to @SLUParks for providing the source material.
🎥 Special thanks to @SaintLouisUniversity for providing the source material.
🎥 Special thanks to @penn for providing the source material.