Uttarakhand, abode of God, a popular name among the world. And yes it is true, being a Himalayan state this part of the India is home of wisdom to many people. So many saints, scholars, visitors, travellers join this state for their own reasons for getting salvation or peace of mind and soul. Similarly Swami Vivekanand joined this state once and became a main part of it. His Shikago summit defines the importance of Uttarakhand visit. This documentary is a summery of Swami ji's that Devine journey and stays in Himalayan state Uttarakhand.
#PMO, #ministryoftourism, #ministryofculture, #ministryofeducation, #UGC, #incredibleindia,
#rockmemorialkanyakumari, #vivekanandmemorialtrust,
#vivekanandrockmemorial, #belurmath, #vivekanandinternationalfoundation, #governeruttarakhand, #mygov, #nationalyouthday, #nationalyouthfestivel