AU: M!Y/N is a demon who was accidentally summoned by little Atsushi, who accidentally found an old book in the orphanage. He “took custody” of Atsushi, playing the role of a father and at the same time an “inner voice” (He is a Demon after all). He, like a parasite, fed little by little on Atsushi’s wounded soul. The director of the orphanage found out about the demon and with the help of priests separated him and Atsushi. Y/N gave in because if he resisted, his future food (Atsushi’s soul) could suffer. He was not expelled, as they thought, they simply “put him to sleep”. After a few years, he woke up and went in search of his food, into which he put effort, patience and “love”. He is also the one who created the “Book”. A very, very, very long time ago, he was summoned by a person who made a deal with him to create such a book. Y/N, having created the book, immediately killed and ate the soul of the man, since the deal was completed, and the man did not think to play it safe.
That (Y/N) knows where the Book is, since it is a part of him.
Atsushi - Y/N: He is very attached to the demon, sees him as a father figure, does not want to accept the fact that he, Atsushi, is only food for the demon.
Y/N - Atsushi: Although he sees him as food, he is still a little worried about him.
The other characters do not know each other.
This AU is completely mine, and it's based on a fanfic on Wattpad (in Spanish because I didn't speak English, sorry). I haven't posted it yet because I'm finishing my other 2 fanfics. The account name: _GhosttyJoksy_
So you can, don't use it, but if you want that much, please don't forget to give me credit for creating the AU. 😔