My film from val d'Aran by UTMB CDH 9-10 July 2021.
105 km, +6.582 m altitude.
Filmed with a GoPro Hero Sessions. (Sorry for the shaky camera!)
Additional footage from the race start by Lars Hedlund.
Blue Nail Media logo by Lisa Lindgren.
A huge thanks to my ultra friends Lars Hedlund and Daniel Holmberg for this crazy trip!
We were fully vaccinated and followed all covid restrictions.
SergeQuadrado: Dramatic piano
Alex MakeMusic: Cinematic epical day
Alex MakeMusic: We confidently go to victory
Coma-Media: Documentary
ZakharValaha: Cinematic story main
Alex MakeMusic: Motivation day
#valdaranbyutmb #valdaran #ultrarunning #trailrunning #damnthatwashard