Welcome back, enduro riders and garage enthusiasts! In today’s episode of my enduro bike maintenance series, we're diving deep into the heart of the bike — the engine. I'll show you step-by-step how to check and adjust the valve clearance on a Beta RR350.
Why is it important? If your valve clearance is out of spec, it can cause engine problems like poor starting, strange sounds, or even worse — valves hitting the piston and causing major engine damage. In this video, I’ll walk you through the process, from removing key engine parts to measuring valve gaps and, if necessary, replacing shims. This is an advanced procedure, so make sure to follow along carefully to keep your engine in top condition!
What you’ll need to do:
- Remove seat, tank, and cooling fan
- Take off the top engine bracket and spark plug cap
- Remove the head cover and check the gaps
- Adjust or replace valve shims (if necessary)
- Reassemble the bike
By the end, your engine will be ready for another 100+ moto hours! Don’t forget to subscribe, drop a thumbs up, and comment if you found this video helpful.
00:00 The intro
00:10 What is in this video
00:48 Disassemble
02:53 Valve clearance check
06:20 Shims replacement
16:46 Reassembly
21:04 The outro
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