अथ च्छर्दनीयमातुरं द्व्यहं त्र्यहं वा स्नेहस्वेदोपपन्नं श्वश्छर्दयितव्यमिति ग्राम्यानूपौदकमांसरस-क्षीर-दधि-माष-तिल-शाकादिभिः समुत्क्लेशितश्लेष्माणं व्युषितं जीर्णाहारं पूर्वाह्णे कृतबलिहोममङ्गलप्रायश्चित्तं निरन्नमनतिस्निग्धं यवाग्वाघृतमात्रां पीतवन्तं, तासां फलपिप्पलीनामन्तर्नखमुष्टिं यावद्वा साधु मन्येत जर्जरीकृत्य यष्टिमधुकषायेण कोविदार-कर्बुदार-नीप-विदुल-बिम्बी-शणपुष्पी-सदापुष्पी-प्रत्यक्पुष्पीकषायाणामन्यतमेन वा रात्रिमुषितं विमृद्य पूतं मधुसैन्धवयुक्तंसुखोष्णं कृत्वा पूर्णं शरावं मन्त्रेणानेनाभिमन्त्रयेत्- ‘ॐ ब्रह्मदक्षाश्विरुद्रेन्द्रभूचन्द्रार्कानिलानलाः| ऋषयः सौषधिग्रामा भूतसङ्घाश्च पान्तु ते| रसायनमिवर्षीणां देवानाममृतं यथा| सुधेवोत्तमनागानां भैषज्यमिदमस्तु ते’| इत्येवमभिमन्त्र्योदङ्मुखं प्राङ्मुखं वाऽऽतुरं पाययेच्छ्लेष्मज्वरगुल्मप्रतिश्यायार्तं विशेषेण पुनः पुनरापित्तागमनात्, तेन साधुवमति; हीनवेगं तु पिप्पल्यामलक-सर्षप-वचाकल्कलवणोष्णोदकैः पुनः पुनः प्रवर्तयेदापित्तदर्शनात्|इत्येष सर्वश्छर्दनयोगविधिः|| Ca.Ka.1/14
The patient, the subject of emesis, having been administered with unction and sudation for two or three days, should be fed with meat soups of domestic, marshy and aquatic animals, milk, curd, black gram, sesamum, vegetable etc. in the night prior to emesis, in order to excite kapha. Next day when the previous food is digested, in the forenoon, after performing offering, oblations, auspicious and expiatory rites, he should take a dose of ghee along with gruel (on an empty stomach) that may not be very smooth or greasy. The physician should take one closed fist sized dosage of seeds of Madanaphala, pound them and impregnate them with a decoction of Yastimadhu or one of these-Kovidara, Karbudara, Nipa, Vidula, Bimbi, Sanapuspi and Prayakpuspi-for the whole (previous) night. In the morning, this mix should be pressed and filtered, added with honey and rock salt and heated slightly. The cup filled with the drug should be enchanted with the following hymn:-
“Brahma, Daksa, Asvina, Rudra, Indra, Earth, Moon, Sun, Air, Fire, Sages, medicinal plants and multitude of creatures may protect you.This drug may prove for you as Rasayana for the sages, nectar for the gods and ambrosia for the best among serpents.”
After enchanting thus, the physician should administer the drug to the patient facing northward or eastward particularly suffering from kaphaja fever, gulma and coryza time and again until bile begins to come out. Thus he vomits well. If the urges are deficient, they should be moved by administering paste of Pippali, Amalaka, Sarsapa, Vacha and salt dissolved in hot water frequently till bile is seen. This is the entire method of administration of emetic drugs. (https://www.carakasamhitaonline.com/m...)
Classical Vamana gives Best therapeutic results because of better Shuddhi in all aspects as compared to the Madanaphalaadi yoga ( Traditional yoga). It is best suitable in Uttama, Madhayama Bala and Madhyama and Pravara Satmya Patients.