During yet another day of being the unpopular kid at school, you catch wind that the resident creep and outcast Shintaro has been following you around. Desperate to make a single friend, you decide to try and get along with him, and he turns out to be surprisingly nice. Unbeknownst to you however, Shintaro is not the person he seems to be, and befriending him will have consequences that will change your life forever.
My VTuber Streaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf4kcVsrGWc&ab_channel=ExhibitA%7CVTuber
Hello everybody! God, it's been a long time, hasn't it? As I mentioned in my community post, I'm hoping this will mark my grand return, and I intend to bring a new age of Exhibit A content. I'll be doing things differently from now on, but I'm hoping that'll be a good thing.
As you can see, for this video I've dabbled in using visuals to enhance the experience and help with visualization. I'm thinking this is what I'll do from now on, at least for videos where the location changes often. This is also the most characters I've ever voiced in a single video! Including characters that only show up briefly, I technically voice 9 different people in this whole script. Wild, huh?
You'll also notice, nothing particularly romantic happens within this first video. This will be my approach from now on, as usually a good romance takes time to develop. This is why most anime with romance take a while to "get to the point". In the past, I would rush the romance in my videos because I knew that was the appeal, and I didn't want to leave anyone dissatisfied. But from now on, I'm going to prioritize telling a good story, even if that means making people wait a while.
Big thanks to Sugarop01 for reading over my script with me and sampling my video as I was creating it. I consulted her a lot for advice on what I should change or keep in the video. Here's her Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sugarop01?sr=a
Highschool Ambience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMaHyZmbqdc&ab_channel=SoundEffectsFactory
Fangirl Scream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6vkN_2u104&ab_channel=Soundlaboratory
Girls Talking - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uPUrGB0wf0&ab_channel=TheFLippox
Rooftop Ambience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=490z2QH6v5o&ab_channel=nathanolson
Bag Sounds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiLVGLCgh7g&ab_channel=SoundEffects-NoCopyright%26FreeDownload
Alarm Clock - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77S70NhRoBc&ab_channel=Impostor
Music During Dream by Souichi Sakagami - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbmyyAOg7pA&list=PL2y7SpVzlXcuzpPnQwmxLkUKJQjTwB6Lq&index=8&ab_channel=SouichiSakagamiRoyaltyFREEJapaneseAnimeSongs
Cafe Ambience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOvguAMlz0A&ab_channel=SoundDiary-FreeSoundEffects
Soundtrack "The Vampire Court" by Ivan Duch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfylZ1SzhEQ&list=PLwbgFTnDNpZFBA6R6Fy0H6GqIlTU29j45&index=1&ab_channel=IvanDuch
Soundtrack "In The Shadows" by Ivan Duch
Night Ambience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13_BEz2f58A&list=PL4JKIH8uMAXy2KIbYuJGcn4TAb7XbboHd&index=6&ab_channel=AudioLibrary-FreeSoundEffects
Biting Sound (stab sound) - https://freesound.org/people/Mixedupmoviestuff/sounds/179222/
Heartbeat Sound - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgZjYIPPe50&ab_channel=Soundious
Night Sound - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am7YlqM6WCc&ab_channel=AudioWind
Credits Music "Hitori no Mori" by Souichi Sakagami - https://www.tandess.com/en/music/free-material/data/loneliness-short.html
Shintaro's appearance art by rip2 (@rip2_ on Twitter)
Classroom Background by Deztinie
Rooftop Background by pwnzyarik on Wallpapers.com
Cafe Background by doodle-space on DeviantArt
Night Time Neighbourhood by unknown artist
Night Time Alley Background by Julian Seifert-Olszewski
Aside from royalty free tracks, I also used soundtracks from various anime series and games:
Blue Archive
Highschool DxD
Highschool of the Dead
Mirai Nikki/Future Diary