"Hot for Teacher" stands as a classic rock anthem by the renowned American band Van Halen, extracted from their iconic sixth studio album, "1984." Crafted by the talented quartet of Eddie Van Halen, Alex Van Halen, Michael Anthony, and David Lee Roth, and masterfully produced by Ted Templeman, this track emerged as the fourth and ultimate single from the album in October 1984, marking the conclusion of the band's era spanning 1974–1985.
The song showcases the impressive double bass drum performance by Alex Van Halen, and its accompanying music video is a unique blend, portraying the band as both adults and youthful students. Notably deviating from the norm for singles, the track kicks off with a riveting 30-second drum solo, followed by an additional 30 seconds of instrumental introduction. The conclusion of "Hot for Teacher" is a gem extracted from a studio demo dating back to the band's club days, aptly titled "Voodoo Queen." Immerse yourself in the timeless sounds of Van Halen with this unforgettable rock anthem.