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Van life in Providence & a tour of the Rhode Island State Capitol (Couple on New England road trip)

Steve & Audra 893 2 months ago
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Ep. 295 - Our time in Rhode Island is coming to an end and we find ourselves in Providence, Rhode Island. After parking overnight at Walmart, definitely not the best overnight spot, we head to downtown Providence to do some exploring. Join us for a tour of the the Rhode Island State Capitol - the smallest state in the country! The Rhode Island State Capitol is a masterpiece of architecture and history! Built in 1895, this neoclassical masterpiece is crafted from over 300,000 cubic feet of white Georgia marble, giving it a striking and timeless elegance. When you step through the doors, you’re greeted by the majestic rotunda featuring one of the largest self-supported marble domes in the world. When you look up you can see murals and intricate details that tell the story of Rhode Island’s founding principles: freedom, independence, and innovation. One thing we always look for in state capitol buildings is the library and this one did not disappoint. Its towering wooden shelves, spiral staircases, and intricate ceiling design make the space quite stunning. The original 1663 Royal Charter is also displayed in the charter room in the Capitol Building. This historic document, signed by King Charles II, granted Rhode Island unprecedented freedoms, making it a pioneer of religious tolerance in the New World. ☑️ SUBSCRIBE TO FOLLOW ALONG ON OUR VAN LIFE ADVENTURES ► Instagram: Facebook: ☑️ BECOME A PATRON ► Help put gas in our tank and get a few extra perks including our undying love and devotion! 🙂 ☑️ SHOP OUR AMAZON STORE ► Use this link to learn about our favorite products or support our channel when you shop on Amazon! (As Amazon Affiliates we get a tiny percentage of every qualifying purchase you make.) ☑️ SAVE 5% off purchases for your van or RV with coupon code: BMXJYUJ ► ☑️ SAVE MONEY ON GAS with GetUpSide! ► - Get an extra 15¢/gal bonus the first time you make a purchase 👉 ABOUT US: We're Steve and Audra, a van life couple from South Florida who share a passion for cheap travel, nature, wildlife, DIY projects, and adventure! After about 2.5 years, we finished converting our 2019 Ford Transit high roof cargo van into a tiny home on wheels. We've been sharing our experience as we travel the country on a low budget with our cat Lady Gray Gray Gillespie Pinkerton. We invite you to follow along on our journey! If you have any questions, we’re happy to answer! Comment below or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram and we’ll respond as soon as possible. And please don’t forget to subscribe to our channel! ❌ JOIN US IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING! We've committed to donating at least 10% off our channel proceeds to Destiny Rescue to fight trafficking. Join us in the fight: 👉 DONATE: VIDEO SEGMENTS: 00:00 Van life in Providence, RI 03:06 Downtown Providence, Rhode Island 06:19 Touring the Rhode Island State Capitol 11:55 Walking & driving around Providence, Rhode Island 14:34 Leaving Rhode Island 14:55 Van life in Connecticut MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS: Wooshs 02.wav by toyoto -- -- License: Attribution 4.0 Light wooshes by florianreichelt -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 Woosh_Low_03.wav by moogy73 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 Wooshs 01.wav by toyoto -- -- License: Attribution 4.0 "Bike, Bell Ding, Single, 01-01.wav" by InspectorJ ( of Camera Shutter by ThompsonMan -- -- License: Attribution 4.0 drumroll.wav by adriann -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 mechanical_timer.MP3 by electronixtech -- -- License: Attribution 4.04 B8_snoring.mp3 by Iamgiorgio -- -- License: Creative Commons 0 "Five Card Shuffle" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Divertimento K131" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Music: License code: PEDFJNLEJHMXVLIN ------ #vanlife #vanlifetravel #cheaptravel
