Performed by Duo Sweet 17
Korneel Le Compte Viennese Bass ( Domonkos Gellért )
Haruko Tanabe Viola d'Amore ( Pierre Van Engeland )
The double bass concerto by Johann Baptist Vanhal is one of the staples of our repertoire, both for modern players and for the “ancient music”-oriented musicians.
Although it’s playable on a modern bass (with some minor adaptations left and right), it only shows its true colors when played in the original tuning on a bass with gut strings and frets, just like it was intended.
The manuscript is now available for consultation on the internet, and the great thing is that we can now see all the other orchestra parts as well. This is very enlightening, as we get a better idea of how to interpret the articulations, which may sometimes seem puzzling at first sight. In fact,
there is nothing mysterious about them once you understand the system that the composer (or the copyist) used to indicate slurs and separated notes.
The other conundrum is found in the many 8va-signs: are they Vanhal’s, or were they added later by an overly ambitious soloist?
Korneel Le Compte, who has been a lover of the Viennese Violone for over 40 years, offers some original insights into the history and the interpretation of this wonderful concerto, not only from a technical viewpoint but more importantly with the purpose of trying to find the deeper musical language and message of this music.
In order to do this, Korneel Le Compte explores fingering and bowing options, goes into the question of articulations and sound color, but he also situates the piece in a bigger musical and historical context to arrive, in the end, at the meaning of the piece, and of music in general, for the present-day audience. Because, as he maintains, without an audience to listen there can be no music.
This series of videos includes an Introduction interview with the great Venezuelan bassist José Andrès Reyes, three Instruction Tapes (one for each of the concerto’s movements), and a complete, unadulterated and unpolished live recording of the piece, accompanied by a one-person orchestra in the shape of the unsurpassed Viola d’Amore player Haruko Tanabe.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Recording & Editing:
José Andrés Reyes & Tobias Le Compte
Double Bass: copy of Matthias Thir, made by Gellert Domonkos
Viola d'Amore: copy of Leclerc, Paris by Pierre Vanengeland
Next few videos coming up:
- J.S.Bach, Chaconne, arr. for Viola d'Amore and Viennese Violone
- K.D. Von Dittersdorf: Ct° nr. 2 (nicknamed "Beatlesdorf")
- Japanese Suite
Stay (Viennese-) tuned !
ザ・ヴァンハル テープス
この作品は近代ベースで演奏可能なのにもかかわらず ( 右手、左手の多少の改正の後 ) やはりオリジナルのチューニング、そしてフレットを付けたガット弦での演奏でしか表現できないものがあります。
最近ではマニュスクリプトをインターネットで観覧することができます。なんとオーケストラパートのまで調べる事が出来る為、当時の演奏のアーティキュレーションを想像する為にもとても役に立ちます。それ等は初めてみた時にはパズルを組み立てるような感覚に陥りますが、一度作曲家 ( 又はコピスト) のスラー、ドットなどの書き方を呑み込めば、とてもすらすらと理解できるようになります。
この動画シリーズは、素晴らしいヴェネズエラ出身のベーシスト、ホセ・アンドレス・レイエス氏によるル・コント氏のインタビューのイントロ、1楽章ごとにヴァンハルのコンチェルトを解説をする動画が3本、そしてヴィオラ・ダモーレによって弾かれる伴奏による ( 演奏 :田辺晴子) コンチェルト全楽章が含まれています。