Don't doze off just yet, there's plenty of Vaporwave coming up next 📺🥤
0:00 - COASTAL LIFE - 悲惨な forever
1:44 - luxury elite - Marble
3:26 - luxury elite - Upscale
5:26 - Monogon - Vaporwave Club
7:43 - 悲惨な forever - COASTAL LIFE
9:30 - 猫 シ Corp. - The Dress (w/ Luxury Elite)
14:08 - HIFI-89 - portofino
18:27 - bodyline - Different Skies
22:27 - vcr-classique - 抹茶–ラテ (Matcha-Latte)
26:40 - TUPPERWAVE - Legacy
30:59 - t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - 日夜 (Day and Night)
35:42 - haircuts for men - 感動できない (I Can't Be Impressed)
40:08 - vhs classique - high
42:04 - HIFI-89 nostalgia