कितना Damage कर सकते हैं -अपशकुन मुख्य द्वार के? Vastu for Home, Door Vastu and महा-सीरियस होते हैं
ये वास्तुदोष मुख्यद्वार के इसलिए तो खतरे की घंटी है ये लक्षण जो किगंभीर Result दे सकते हैं वास्तुदोष मुख्यद्वार के
Vastu for home covers all the questions on door Vastu which is the part of Vastu for home or Vastu for house. साथियों आज हम बात करने वाले हैं मेन गेट या मेन डोर के उससे ज्यादा संवेदनशील पहलू की जो कि वास्तुशास्त्र में बहुत ज्यादा महत्व रखता है और इसमें छोटी सी भी असावधानी बहुत ज्यादा महंगी पड़ सकती है घर में रहने वाले सभी मेंबर्स को क्योंकि इससे आती है नेगेटिव एनर्जी और पाने के लिए आपको करना होगा बहुत कुछ ऐसा इंतजाम वहां से देखने पर और घर से बाहर जाने पर बहुत सुंदर है - Friends Vastu for home and Vastu for main door are the largest topics in Vedic Vastu shastra because house entrance Vastu is the starting point of a house. Yes, this is the mouth of the house. Hence main door house entrance Vastu, main door Vastu for flats and main door Vastu for independent house or two different things and so far, as main door direction as per Vastu is concerned we have to segregate these two different sites in which one site has the main entry from the lobby and the other site has the main door and main gate in the opening side directly to the road. Vastu entrance is very crucial topic because door Vastu has to be made as per Vastu shastra because that is the first point from where the energy enters into the house and even a single mistake may be very harmful. Door Vastu and main entrance as per Vastu are defined in this youtube video and also be told about Vastu door facing because if the facing the door is not auspicious then the main entrance or main gate or main door of the house shall try to invite the negative vibrations from the outside which is not good. Main door size as per Vastu has been defined in the Vedic Vastu shastra in which the length and width of the main door should not be e less than the height of the tallest members of the family. All the directions main gate are to be covered in the separate topic because Vastu for main gate or main door or west facing house or west entrance Vastu is different from the east and west Vastu and when the people are asking ghar ka main door kahan hona chahiye. Vastu for main gate of house becomes very crucial and one has to take the steps in front of main door Vastu for all the directions be north south east west and the cardinal directions are very easy to see but the sub directions are difficult to calculate 100% accurately. Vastu for boundary main gate and south facing main door are very important topics because this is a direction which is very less or least appreciated whereas the east facing house is the most appreciated and Vastu friendly main gate or Vastu friendly main door main gate is going to provide the positive energy to the house 24 hours. That is why Dr. Anand Bhardwaj who is expert in Vastu correction without demolition always advises Vastu for home and it’s all parts including the main door, main gate and main entrance. Thank you very much…
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