सीढ़ी (staircase) बनाते समय Vastu Shastra के नियमों को ध्यान में रखना बेहद जरूरी होता है, क्योंकि गलत staircase vastu से घर में negative energy आ सकती है। खासकर north-east (ईशान कोण) में no stairs होने चाहिए, क्योंकि यह anti-Vastu होता है। अगर गलती से भी staircase in north बना दिया जाए, तो इसके vastu remedies अपनाने जरूरी हैं। सीढ़ियों की best location हमेशा south या west में होनी चाहिए। internal staircase vastu के अनुसार, घर के अंदर बनी सीढ़ियों की rotation हमेशा clockwise होनी चाहिए। अगर staircase vastu for north facing house में गलती हो जाए, तो इसके लिए कुछ remedies अपनाने होंगे। east staircase vastu भी सही नहीं माना जाता, क्योंकि इससे financial instability आ सकती है। जब भी सीढ़ियों की संख्या गिनें, तो यह odd numbers (विषम संख्या) में होनी चाहिए, जैसे 11, 15, 21, आदि। vastu for staircase position में इस नियम को तोड़ना vastu dosh पैदा कर सकता है। यदि north staircase vastu remedy अपनाना हो, तो vastu tips के अनुसार, copper wire या pyramid energy का उपयोग करना चाहिए। अगर आपको external staircase vastu का पालन करना है, तो ध्यान दें कि external stairs कभी भी northeast में ना हों, क्योंकि यह anti vastu होता है। internal staircase direction as per vastu को समझना बेहद जरूरी है ताकि घर में positive energy बनी रहे। सही staircase vastu remedies अपनाकर आप vastu shastra के अनुसार अपने घर को संतुलित रख सकते हैं। If you follow the six rules of staircase construction, even a novice will not make mistakes. It is important to know which direction to build stairs for proper energy flow. One must also understand how to count the number of steps in a staircase as per Vastu. According to Vastu for east-facing staircases, it is not considered ideal. A common question arises: Can a staircase be built in the north direction? However, experts suggest avoiding it. If there is already a staircase in the northeast, then applying remedies for northeast staircases is essential.
Following Vastu principles, as guided by Vastu Shastra, ensures harmony in the house. Some important Vastu tips help maintain positive energy. When deciding on the staircase position as per Vastu, one should carefully follow Vastu tips for stairs to avoid negativity. Both internal staircase Vastu and external staircase Vastu have specific guidelines. The best place to put a staircase is in the south or west direction. However, external staircase Vastu rules must also be followed. A critical factor is how many steps should be in a staircase, as odd numbers are preferable. The internal staircase direction as per Vastu should always be clockwise. Additionally, internal staircase Vastu must be followed to ensure stability. If there is a staircase in the northeast, then an effective remedy for northeast staircases should be implemented. In cases where a house is north-facing, the Vastu for staircases in north-facing houses should be considered. One can apply staircase Vastu remedies to correct existing issues. The best direction for stairs is towards the south or west. It is essential to select the best location for the staircase for maximum benefits. Lastly, one must also take care of the rotation of stairs as per Vastu, ensuring they move in a clockwise direction for positive energy.
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