घर की चाबी, गाड़ी की या कार व मोटर साइकिल स्कूटर की चाबी कहाँ रखे- किस दिशा में रखें। साइकिल की चाबी बस ट्रक व अन्य वहां की चाबी की वास्तु दिशा- अगर सकारात्मक दिशा में रखा जाये तो भाग्य के लिए भी सकारात्मक ऊर्जा मिलती है । नेगेटिव दिशा में चाबी के होने से कई तरह की समस्याएं आ सकती है - चाबियाँ घर की-दिशा वास्तु की-Vastu for Home Keys-किस्मत की चाबी-सोते भाग्य जगाये-Vastu tips for key holder- In this YouTube video Dr Anand Bhardwaj is going to discuss about the best directions to keep the house keys and the keys of your vehicles like your car, truck, bus, cycle, scooter, motorcycle and other modes of transportation used by an individual on daily basis because people are asking where to hang keys in home and we did find that Vastu tips for key holder is the best direction in the north west direction because the vehicles or car or motorcycle scooter cycle need to move every time that helps our livelihood and must for the rotation of wheel of our life so where to hang key holder in house or keychain Vastu becomes very important topics in Vastu Shastra. The best place for keys or key holder for wall are West of Northwest or north of Northwest and the house keys may be put in the lobby on Eastern wall also avoid it hanging the key holder on the south wall where is north wall is also good ideas for storing keys has come to Dr. Anand Bhardwaj from an incident that a person was having many vehicles truck and bus but they were not able to move therefore he tried to locate the direction of the keys and found that the keys were stored in the Southwest direction which is the worst direction for any movement or moving activity like the cars, truck, bus, cycle, motorcycle, scooter and their keys are kept as per Vastu tips given by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj and his Vastu directions are very useful for everybody because he is the Vastu consultant who believes in Vastu correction without demolition and in this video he is also going to discuss about Vastu for home and Vastu for main door of a house in which the keys are to be used and Lock and key and where to place the house lock inside the house and the best direction to keep the lock and key of the house are defined in this YouTube video in Hindi by the best Vastu consultant Dr Anand Bhardwaj who always shares his experience his knowledge and his ability with a common person. One man ask ghar ka main door kahan Hona chahiye and he told that the best direction has been defined in the Vedic Vastu Shastra and one should follow the principle of grids of 81 and one should take the best steps while making the house and try to use the inbuilt locks and their keys should be kept very carefully because house keys are most important thing and the moment they are going to be misplaced then it may be the cause of great disturbance and mental tension and finding the lock and key of the house as per Vastu shastra is not difficult if everybody is going to follow the Vastu principles Defined by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj and we make a particular place for the house keys and always try to put the house and keys and locks at the place.
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