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Vata Pitta Kapha Ko Balance Kaise Kare | How to balance Dosha | Dr. Devangi Jogal | Jogi Ayurved ||

JOGI Ayurved 221,811 8 years ago
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How To Cure Diseases In Ayurveda | Ayurveda Treatment | In the earlier Episode, 01 of Prakruti, Prakruti and its types have explained in detail. In this Episode 02, Dr. Devangi N. Jogal has explained, how disease happens and how to balance different Doshas in the body. Ayurveda, or “science of life,” is an ancient Indian system of medicine founded on the immutable laws of nature. Ayurveda views each person as a unique, complex individual. Unlike other medical approaches, which focus on treating the symptoms of an illness, Ayurveda concentrates on the source of the patient’s imbalance, supporting the body’s innate wisdom to promote optimal health. The basis of Ayurvedic philosophy is the belief that the intelligence of the natural world is within each of us. The body is made up of the basic elements of the universe – ether, air, fire, water, and earth – which are expressed as three characteristic humors (doshas): Vata (ether and air), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth). Ayurvedic medicine stimulates our body’s inner intelligence, and activates our body’s own unlimited healing potential in order to achieve optimal balance of the three doshas. Each of us is born with a unique combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This combination in Ayurveda is known as our constitution, or prakriti. An Ayurvedic physician uses pulse diagnosis, along with lab tests and an extensive medical history, to determine an individual’s particular constitution and imbalances. The holistic physician then recommends certain herbs, foods, vitamins, exercises, and other treatments that will bring the individual’s doshas into balance and promote optimal health. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch More Video For Your Health: Ayurved Prukriti: VATA-PITTA-KAPHA Panchakarma Ayurved Diet for Constipation Cure | कब खाना? कैसे खाना? कीतना खाना ? ✉ CONNECT WITH US ✉ You can Connect With us on Social Media: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Online consultation: +918800118053. Disclaimer: इस वीडियो का एकमात्र उदेश्य आयुर्वेद के सही ज्ञान का प्रचार-प्रसार करना है।वीडियो में दी गई जानकारी आयुर्वेद शास्त्रो, ग्रंथ, और आयुर्वेद के गुरुजनो से ली गई है इसमे हमारा निजी ज्ञान कुछ भी नही सब आयुर्वेद का है।सभी जानकारियां सही और प्रमाणिक रखने का हमारा प्रयास है, फिर भी वीडियो में दी गई जानकारी, औषधी, नुस्खों के प्रयोग करने से पहेले अपने नजदीकी आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक की सलाह जरुर ले। वीडियो में बताई गई जानकारी का प्रयोग करने पर किसी भी रूप से हुई शारीरिक/मानसिक/आर्थिक क्षति के लिए डा. या चैनल जिम्मेदार नही होगा #vata #pitta #kapha #tridosha #JogiAyurved #Ayurvedaforwellbeing #Ayurveda #Corona #Covid19 #AyurvedicTreatment #PrinciplesofAyurveda
